What you can find out here
Here you will find the background to the organisations involved in managing the Chernobyl disaster. According to the www.chernobyl.info guidelines, one important objective is to link the numerous large and small organisations and institutions, governmental and nongovernmental agencies and authorities with each other.
Some organisations have been recorded by the editors themselves. Others have responded to our invitation and sent in their own entry. If your organisation is missing from the database, we warmly invite you to make your entry online. It is free and does not commit you to anything.
You can contribute information about your organisation in German, Russian or English, and the editors of www.chernobyl.info will then translate it into the other two languages of the Website. Please go to Contribute / manage your organisation's data to edit your organisation's details (also necessary as a first step before registering your project).
Important note for users: Since some of this information has been provided by the contributors themselves, the editors take no responsibility for the accuracy of the details. If you would like to collaborate with one of these organisations, please contact the person responsible directly, and make sure that your concerns accord with those of your possible partner.
Our forum is available for your comments on the entire content of www.chernobyl.info. In addition, you can contact the editors of the Website directly by e-mail.
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine… Three countries united by one tragedy are looking for their own ways for overcoming its consequences. www.chernobyl.info presents to your attention a study on perception of post-Chernobyl situation by the citizens of these states.
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Database of organisations
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