The Irish Sudden Infant Death Association (ISIDA) is a voluntary organisation that:
- offers support to families bereaved by Sudden Infant Death and others affected by it.
- provides information on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome to parents, professionals, the media and the public at large.
- promotes and supports research into the causes and prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
- raises funds to support the above.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), commonly called cot death, is the sudden death of an infant or young child which is unexpected by history and in which a thorough post mortem examination fails to demonstrate an adequate cause of death. Each week in Ireland a child dies suddenly and unexpectedly, a victim of Cot Death (SIDS).
ISIDA provides a variety of support and information services. These services are provided by trained staff and trained volunteers who have themselves experienced the feelings of grief, loss and isolation which follows the death of a child. The services include: