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Thanks for looking and for your support.

Damon Matthew and Karen Christine Wise,

Trustees of Federation Trust, on behalf of Charity-OnLine Consortium E-Commerce Project and our beneficiary customers (Supporters).

If you wish to further support our experiment, testing and evaluating E-Commerce for the benefit of our Members (Charities and Projects) and Associates (Other Voluntary and Community Groups and their volunteers), and cannot find what you want, not only do we sell and auction of Amazon, and here on eBay, but we have access to many E-Commerce and trading sites: if you can't find what your looking for, let us know what you want, preferred condition and how much you are willing to pay: we will look around, and keep an eye out for a very low price, as a thank you: we will the consider introducing such an item, to see if there is any more interest; at a higher price, to better cover our costs.

Please consider donating any of the following:

  • used stamps
  • used cartridges for Inkjet, Laserjet, Fax (except Epson, which have no significant value),
  • photocopy toners,
  • mobile Phones or PDA's. 

We will transfer at least 50% (we will increase this up to 75% when we have sufficient funds and have started a permanent Charity-Online Service, and will only need to cover our running costs); we can donate to any Charity, School, Youth Club, or other cause of your choice (in the UK or Ireland: all we need is a Bank A/c, Sort Code and Name of the account, unless it is one of the many we already deal with), or even set up a system for you at work, or within your organisation, with your own recycling account number - in the UK and Ireland we have a freepost address for such schemes - and you help the environment - this is another part Charity-Online.


Federation Trust provides:


Services for Charity, Voluntary and Community Groups:

  • Charity Incorporation Agents – Incorporations for any need – from €100 up to €440 – for a customised Company, Limited by Guarantee, omitting the word “Limited” with Charitable Status.

  • Conference and Business Services – Event Management, Public Relations, Office and Design work – from Flag Day Posters, Letterheads, to Newsletters and Magazines.

  • Charity-OnLine Consortium – Developing E-Commerce, Fundraising and Information Services for our Charities and Community Groups. This includes Recycling of Printer/Fax Cartridges, Photocopy Toners and Mobile Phones and supplying and Maintaining Computers at near-cost. For information on our vast collection of Sci-Fi and other collectables, Videos, DVD’s and books: http://www.amazon.co.uk/shops/Charity-OnLine, follow from Shannon’s Star Trek Clubs.

  • Irish Equality and Human Rights Alliance – members of Social Inclusion and Anti-Poverty Groups, including groups from Irish Anti Poverty Network and Disability federation of Ireland.

Services for and from People with Disabilities:

  • CADDICE – campaign for the advancement and development of Disabled Interests in Clare, recruiting memberships for the Council for the Status of People with Disabilities, the Irish Council of People with Disabilities and now its successor Organisation – People with Disabilities in Ireland, of whom we still have recruited most of its members.

  • Irish Advocacy Network – in Clare, with the Clare Advocacy Network - we recruit and support people whom are Mental Health users and Survivors from Depression, to Schizophrenia.

  • AUTINET Project – as part of one of our developments, AUTINET Forum is an online service (http://www.autinet.org), which has over 800 members – based in Shannon it is our most successfully running project. As AUNTINET Community Services, we also help people in the mid-west with Peer-to-Peer networking, helping with “buddies” for recently diagnosed people with Asperger’s Syndrome and HFA (High Functional Autism) and run Irish Council of Aspies and Autistics Networking (ICAAN ).


Contact us:

C/O 29 Ballycaseymore
Shannon Town,
Co. Clare,

Tel: (061) 361 945
Fax: (061) 363 066
E-mail: Charity-Online@iol.ie

More Info and links on our activities

Federation Trust run a free information and support service for Disability related groups, Charities, Community and Voluntary Groups. Where we actually do work with a partner-group, such as an Incorporation, Application Forms, Newsletters, Stationary, Flag Day, Sponsorship Packs or Health and Safety Statements or where we source and supply wholesale or charity rate office Stationary, equipment, accessories and software, we charge towards some of the costs on a near cost, reduced cost, or set fee basis, which is below commercial rates, which many of our Partner Organisations would have trouble to afford. We have absolutely no funding from any source. Most of our costs, equipment, rent and telephone are paid for by the Trustees, from our own Social Welfare Payments. The Trustees and volunteers who support the Trust do not get paid. Where part of the time involved is charged, the income is provided towards the equipment, technology and software requirements. We are by Definition a Not-For-Profit Organisation - a one-stop shop or a charity for charities.

To find our Sci-Fi merchandise, Books, DVD's, Videos, etc - Charity-OnLine Fundraising - for Charity Fundraising: Charity-OnLine Pro-Merchant and Z-Shop Link with Amazon.co.uk:

For other items check out Amazon.co.uk Search - Fundraising Linke-mail: federationtrust@eircom.net, charity-online@iol.ie))
You can join our lists by going to the following web page:

  1. AspiesOnly2 List for Aspies and Cousins [NO Parents and Professionals)
  2. Irish Equality and Human Rights Alliance List for Equality, Human Rights and Anti Poverty Organisations in Ireland
  3. Irish Equality and Human Rights Alliance Council - List for National Equality, Human Rights and Anti Poverty Organisations in Ireland (List for National Equality, Human Rights and Anti Poverty Organisations in Ireland)
  4. Charity-OnLine Rescycling Scheme - List for Charity-OnLine Member Groups, Associates and Supporting Recycling Groups
  5. Post items on AUTINET Forum (for subscribers only)


Irish_Equality_and_Human_Rights_Alliance and Irish_Equality_Alliance_Council and Charity-ONLine-Recycling-Scheme List Co-Ordinator; AspiesOnly2 Co--Moderator;

Damon Matthew Wise (ASPIE)






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