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Charity-OnLine Lists of Lists

 The list of Lists
(Last edited on 14th July 2007, C.C.E.)
You may subscribe to AUTINET FORUM (without charge of course) simply by sending an email message to the list-owner Peter Wise <autinet@autinet.org> with the subject line "SUBSCRIBE" along with a two line explanation of your interest in discussing Autism and related disorders and what country you are from.
AUTINET-FORUM@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE: List on Asperger's, Autism and related disorders, for Aspies, Auties, Cousins, Parents and Professionals.  This list was conceived and designed by Damon Matthew Wise, and run by his father: Web resources available at http://www.AUTINET.ORG

Lists currently run, owned or moderated by the Trustees of Federation Trust:

-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/Charity-OnLine-Recycling-Scheme  Charity OnLine Recycling Scheme is a list run by Charity-OnLine.ie for fundraising: looking to collect money for used InkJet, Fax (except Epson, which have no significant value), Laserjet, Mobile Phone/PDA and Accesories (FREEPOST available for a scheme set up in the Republic of Ireland or United Kingdom - please give your contact name, address, phone/fax numbers, e-mail address, and your nominated groups details, and your logo and that of the organisation you are contacting for in a message starting Recycling to RecyclingAppeal@Charity-OnLine.ie or donate used Stamps, or even sell these for a School, Club, Community Project or Charity or Voluntary cause contact StampPax@Charity-OnLine.ie

(Listing of the following list administered is hidden, and is a members only group, and confined to members of the Green Party in Co. Clare).

Irish_Equality_Alliance_Council-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/Irish_Equality_Alliance_Council - Irish Equality Alliance Council is a List for National Organisations of Social Exclusion, Anti-Poverty, Anti-Discrimination, Social Justice and Disability bodies in the Irish Equality and Human Rights Alliance.  23

Irish_Equality_and_Human_Rights_Alliance-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/Irish_Equality_and_Human_Rights_Alliance The Irish Equality and Human Rights Alliance is a list is made up of all contacts, groups and individuals in the Republic of Ireland in the Social Exclusion, Anti-Poverty, Anti-Discrimination, Social Justice and Disability organisations.  It represents people disadvantaged because of Age, Gender, Family and Marital Status, Nationality, Racial Origin, Country of Original, Colour, Beliefs, Religion and Politics, Membership of Travelling Community, Disability and brings them together in common interest.       171

AspiesOnly2-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/AspiesOnly2 Aspies Only 2, is the second list for Aspies, Auties and Cousins (Strictly NO Parents and Professionals, or agenda): This list is a safe zone for those within the Austic Spectrum to listen, learn and develop an understanding of each other, and coping mechanisms ... the list provides a forum to discuss ones feelings, behaviour, reactions and issues, without feeling intimidated or subjected to ridicule by outsiders. 51

aspiepeople-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/aspiepeople 28  Aspie People - This is a group for those of us with a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome or on the autism spectrum to get together and talk about our issues and lives. A safe place for us to discuss things we may not otherwise be comfortable discussing elsewhere. Please note that this is not a debate forum or a forum for controversial topics and discussions. The group is meant to be a low key, friendly place. :-)

This forum was not set up to answer questions from family members or others curious about Aspergers. It is a support forum for those of us with AS or on the spectrum ONLY.   Moderated and Spam Free - Run by Damon Matthew Wise (www.Charity-OnLine.ie)

Trek-Net-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/Trek-Net 60 moderator Relaunch of TrekNet, cleared from Spam and Spammers.

TrekNet-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/TrekNet 1550 Original List, currently being maintained from recovery from Spam and Spammers.

CeCesMusings-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/CeCesMusings 66   CeCesMusings: List for news and gossip from Star Trek, Sci-Fi and Hollywood Insiders .. another list administered by the Trustees.

Other Lists used by the Trustees of Federation Trust:

-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/1701_tenforward.  Star Trek List.59

3rd_eye_group-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/3rd_eye_group  Parents and children who have ADHD, ADD, OCD, Aspergers, PDD, ODD, and all other learning disorders. School issues and Just a place to vent. Look for advise, give advise, or just vent, yell and in general, a dumping ground.  5

aspergers_friends-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/aspergers_friends  This group will be an open forum where parents of and/or those affected by Asperger's Syndrome can discuss, question, and socialize safely. Please keep language acceptable for families and those of all ages.  7

aspergershighfunctioningautism-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/aspergershighfunctioningautism 817 Asperger's High Functioning Autism: List on Asperger's Disorder / Syndrome and other High Functioning Autism

AspergersUK-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/AspergersUK 649  Aspergers UK: There are many lists now available offering help and support for parents, families and carers of children and young people with Aspergers Syndrome/Autistic Spectrum Disorder. These are great places but I have felt the need for a UK based list - So many methods of diagnosis and forms of intervention exist outside the UK that we are not always familiar with...so my aim is to provide a place where anyone dealing with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder can get together with others and share experiences, knowledge and support.

aspergersunion-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/aspergersunion 2  Aspergers Union: For those with Aspergers worldwide & to debate topics & issues related to this disorder.  For adults, families whose diagnosed with disorder.  Those with ADD,ADHD can join.

assgonline-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/assgonline 224   Autstic Spectrum Support Go Online: This club offers support to families, friends and relatives, who have children touched by any condition in the spectrum inc Autism, Aspergers, AD/HD, Tourettes, Dyspraxia, ODD, LD etc.

autism-aspergers-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/autism-aspergers 2211 Autism Aspergers: List on Autism and Aspergers (information, not chat)

autism_aspergers-chat-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/autism_aspergers_chat 316  Autism Aspergers Chat: List for Auties and Aspies conversations - and a good chance to engage in nattering.

autismfamilycircle-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/autismfamilycircle  288   Autism Family Circle: List for family members of people within the Autistic Spectrum

AutismKids-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/AutismKids 7  Autism Kids: List for children with Autism of all ages

autismlist-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/autismlist 860   Autism List: List regarding Autism, in general - the whole spectrum - not just Aspies, Auties and Cousins or even Parents or Professionals - an inclusive discussion list

connecting2worlds-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/connecting2worlds connecting2worlds 130 Connecting 2 worlds: List bringing together Aspies, Auties and Cousins with Professionals, so that they can learn from each other

davies007club-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/davies007club 145  Davies 007 Club: List on and about James Bond, 007, spies, women and villains galore

DublinSAS-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/DublinSAS Dublin S A S (Support for Asperger's Syndrome): List, based in Dublin for Support for those with Asperger's Syndrome and related diagnosis (Aspies, HFA and Cousins), run in parallel with the Trinity College Dublin Support Group of ASPIRE members.24 

HomeschoolingExtraordinaryKids-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/HomeschoolingExtraordinaryKids 849  Homeschooling Extraordinary Kids: List for parents of Extraordinary Kids, such as those with Aspergers, Tourettes, Savants, High Functional Autismn and other Gifted persons

HS-Plus-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/HS-Plus 721  HS-Plus: List for parents regarding Home Schooling of Aspies, Auties and Cousins with more discussion

invisibledata-and-fascism-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/invisibledata-and-fascism 13   Invisible Data and Fascism: List advocating awareness the volume of personal and consumer information readily available, raising issues of Data Protection, Identity Theft and misuse of information, CCTV and the role/use by security services, state and business keeping information on consumers for marketing, aiming to raise awareness and taking information about oneself within ones own control.

parentsofautisticchildren-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/parentsofautisticchildren Parents of Autistic Children: List for Autistic Children's parents    5 

star-trek-one-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/star-trek-one   Star Trek One: List for Star Trek Fans (NB: Large volume messages)

StarTrekFansInSoCalifornia-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/StarTrekFansInSoCalifornia 2343  Star Trek Fans in So California: List for Star Trek in Southern California ...

strek-l-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/strek-l 107   Originally set up in the late eighties, Strek-l started on Alt.Net.Star-Trek news group, and then migrated to the ill-fated StarGame Council lists, before through onelist and eGroups, ending up on Yahoo! A list for Trekkers.

ussENTERPRISEf-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/ussENTERPRISEf  72   USS Enterprise - F: Star Trek List.

UssOkuda-owner@yahoogroups.com to join http://groups.yahoo.com/ussokuda 19   USS Okuda: Star Trek List List of Lists: TrekNet – Trek The Net Star Trek Fandom Lists 20 years + Click to join TrekNet Click to join Trek-Net Click to join CeCesMusings Click to join TrekNet_BouncesandNoE-mail Home PageList of ListsCharity Links Click to join Charity-Online-Recycling-Scheme Click to join Irish_Equality_and_Human_Rights_Alliance Click to join Irish_Equality_Alliance_Council AUTINET FORUMWEB SITE AutinetJoin list Click to join DublinSASDublin Society for Asperger Support Click to join aspiepeople Click to join AspiesOnly2 Click to join aspiepeople Click to join autism_aspergers_chat Click to join stmidi Click to join thefirstbondtrekgroup Click to join ClareGreenParty-ComhaontasGlas Click to join autism-aspergers Click to join strek-l Click to join Connecting2Worlds Click to join star-trek-one Click to join sciencefictiongroup Click to join autismlist Click to join AspergersUK Click to join aspergershighfunctioningautism Click to join assgonline Click to join autismfamilycircle Click to join DarkStarQuadrant Click to join DS9TVMINISERIES Click to join HomeSchoolingExtarordinaryKids Click to join HS-Plus Click to join Star_Trek_Shows_Websites Click to subscribe to Science_Fiction_Shows_Websites Click to subscribe to StarTrekFansinSoCalifornia


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